8. Betty Jane Gives Up Politics
Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009
Betty Jane Gives Up Politics
Betty Jane Gives Up Politics
So out of nowhere (while I was wondering where B.J. had gone) she walked inside my house, which scared the f___ing Hell out of me (which was a personal first for sure). And lo and behold that doll and become a Rastafarian!
“Oh, s___ in a hand basket,” I screamed (like a Banshee). What does it take to get you to act normal, anyway? I have practically pulled out my hair and rolled around like a circle around the planet Earth (as though Saturn didn’t already have enough rings in the first place). However, will there ever be another Uranus?
And although Betty Jane seemed a tad shocked by my exclamation, then it occurred to her: Jeeeze, you know what: that old bitch really is my real little girl — so I think my next move is to become the oldest Young Republican, and that she did.
And that’s the story, y’all.
We were involved in our usual drama of a personal nature, when out of that where in no-where re-enters my strangely intriguing main character once again, Ms. Betty Jane Abbitt. So she’s a doll. Get over it. So I’m over 60. Get over that too. This sort of silliness is most relevant in these tough times when entertainment and communication tends to come from a “Box”, rather than a raw imagination, –a given instead of a mind-created tale of wonder and invention, or a friendly visit from people we love, like or even simply tolerate. Wouldn’t want to set a precedent or anything. Like” nothing personal”–that we can not have! It would mean that the cyberworld might have some virtues, besides the obvious pleasure of hearing our own voice ringing in our ears.But, who knows? It could happen. Well, actually it did happen here, but I am in digression as usual.
I am hoping that my husband is not too far into Cyberspace and it’s pain, to help me get some rather dubious photos of “Betty Jane”, such as her “Before”pic, and her mug -shot as well, to say nothing of her “New Look,” with extra- stupid- fashionista-like images of Betty Jane and her post-operative surgeries. (by the by, I know this is idiotic; sometimes that is a needed thing. )
When last we saw what was left of Betty Jane, her infamous “Monday Panties,” it seemed unlikely that Betty Jane could ever be herself again. There is still some doubt on her behalf in this question. But, it is her life and she has to be the one to make up her own stupid stories, not me.
While Charles (my husband) is going on “his walk” (as if) I shall write of one of her most valiant encounters with the forces of evil, when she got her eyelashes (of her right eye) blown off in an explosion, brilliantly produced by my brother, who will remain nameless, as he too wants no part of this endeavour.
As I might have indicated in some of these writings, my childhood was spent as a “military brat.” It was not unusual for my brother and I to watch the lousy newbies target practicing with “nike” missiles. So to us, a gasoline splat, lit with a match, and some decent running , was less than no big deal … it was not even worth getting worked up about … and it’s effect was to be compared to what happens to a dirty kid when he (or she) is forced to take a bath. Back to square one. No problem. We were living close to Wright Patterson AFB, in Ohio in a new house in a brand new housing development, back in the early 1950’s. The row of houses were built and occupied, but few residences had landscaping — that was your own problem, but no problem to us, my brother and I. We began to formulate a story involving Betty Jane and “Foxie” (the main man) and the rest of our stuffed animals. As any good “action movie” has numerous close calls, we had developed ours, before the plot… So 1st. things first: We got some of the more active characters of our toys involved in a really good chase through what was to be a completely benign gauntlet for our gang (so to speak) to weave a trail from one side of the yard to the other. My brother was older and more experienced in things like Charcoal Broiling outdoors, or putting the gasoline in a lawn mower or a boat, than I was, having no experience at all in those culturally complex male-dominated actions … by a long shot (no pun intended.) OK. The short story — long: We (“he did it'” … not me…”) splattered small amounts of gas here and there, and then proceeded to carry our buddies through the perilous terrain, while lighting and tossing matches in our wake. Needless to say, this was a less than brilliant way to spend a quiet afternoon, however we survived that, with no casualties (other than the horror of the neighbors’ version of said event. Betty Jane’s eyelashes (of her right eye…) did not. She stayed that way until I was so bored as to do something about it 58 years later, even though the space- time continuum remained relative to normal for a couple of deviant pre-schoolers- who grew into adults and then fairly cool geezers.
As you can imagine, I am sure, my mother was less than pleased with the resulted small “fox holes” we blew out of that bare dirt. I am sure that my father was not overly concerned, as he was somewhere in the skies over Barbados at the time. However, we made a start in the landscaping plan, which is always good to do.
The very bold and brave “Betty Jane” didn’t even cry when that happened.
Oh, well, back to the present
Betty Jane, you left your Monday panties, And it’s Thursday. Is it always Monday where you are? Guess what; same here.
So what happened wit youse? I mean most dolls tend to return, when they take a hike. I would be glad you’re (?) back, (somewhere–out there) but much like Sherlock Holmes, you always are who you disguised yourself as when last you changed roles– for a long while afterwards. Aren’t you?
My hope is your Reality meter is clicking in, My other hope is that you are not one with the universe, that’s so tough to live happily afterwards, if you’re close; let me continue to ask the missing and menacing doll “Betty Jane” (an “Ideal Doll”, the old company, for what ever reason, you might like to have that in your memory once again, if not? Some suck eggs. Who cares about sanity when some jerk is playing a long Bass non-solo upstairs that makes the author of this silly intrusion wish for white noise.
By the way; Are you the one who hit those Commie Info sites> ? Eh? (Those clearly estupido jerks who would rather wait in line all day than do something productive) all youse need to wake up and smell de’ Coffee; There’s this nice little cliche, though not to be ignored as it is complex and three part true problem we all face every day of our lives: (1.) “What’s with: Cause and Effect? (1.)which came first?” (3} And will it never end?” But I am in digression as perusal.
I’ll get your mug shot. You’re the only one with my password, ‘cept me. (Don’t say it, I know.) That comp nerd in residence knows all and sees all and seeks vengeance if reprimanded.
Your new fashion direction, and surgeries was an attempt I made to please you. It was meant to make you feel and look better. It was not a personal slam, and you shouldn’t take it so personal. you’re the one who hadn’t changed clothes in about 47 years, you were never an endorsement for high hygiene standards, but what the heck? As you age your interests differ. However, in your case (being locked in an old wizzelely moldy trunk for so long. Not at all and the rest of it could have been worse. I didn’t know the other dolls were all dead in there but you . I am sorry, but my life hasn’t been a picnic lately either.
You are just depressed because you look and feel (and think) so young , and really you are probably considered an antique, as you are almost as old as I am, you’re all grown up and awkwardly anchient Caroline U. Hineyhine. And there were times when my beauty service-changes were seemingly brutal as it might have seemed to some who didn’t figure she was a doll or some molded old style plastic- rather hard to the touch, but tough enough to have servived her 58 years of hard traveling existence. Or perhaps they have not been lucky enough to see her “before” and “After ” portraits, Either. But the people who aren’t taking into account this is a Doll we’re addressing as though entirely real, yet she is stuck in a time-space-continuum problemary action, from my voung childhood. However that was meant to please you, and sort of went wack on you, but who knows? Madame Alexander>? Unexpectedly your new get up has become central to your new assignment. Well, it’s your life. You could just walk out of there.
Don’t look now, but Social security these days is starting to mean being cofident of interactingand/or seeing allot of old hungry farts like you and I, broke as a joke and huttled together in angst. And note that we’re mid flight; not there yet (for sure)… I’m looking for the “before” pictures we took during your makeover. Will send on to you… (and the rest of whom ever It’s not too late. Normal is as normal falls. We’ll even dispense with the big hair…?